Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why Hawaii's current laws are not adequate in addressing the crime of Human Trafficking

Some of the problems of using current statutes include:

1) prostitution statutes place both victim and patron in the same criminal category making it virtually impossible for HPD to recognize prostitutes as victims,

2) promoting prostitution statutes are NOT exempt from deferred acceptance laws, which means that if a trafficker pleads guilty, in the state of Hawaii, he can legally say that he has never been convicted of that crime. Furthermore, his sentence would be minimal e.g. 30 months in jail and 3-5years supervised release.

3) most times, only promoting prostitution in the 3rd degree is applied to pimps/traffickers (misdemeanor), and

4) these laws are not preventative so authorities need to "wait" until something severe like sex assault, murder, extortion, or kidnapping occur to pin the trafficker with anything worthwhile, of course to the detriment of the victim trafficked.

Hawaii is one of the twelve eight remaining states in America that has not passed a Human Trafficking State Law or laws effectively addressing Human Trafficking while protecting the victims. Simply relying on current state laws to address human trafficking is highly problematic.

We need a state Human Trafficking Law now! Feel the same? Sign our petition at


  1. Hopefully more socially minded folks can cruise in to drop and share knowledge, thanks!!!

  2. Hello- good evening,
    These are my opinions and it is my right to air them how I please- This does not reflect on anyone else here but myself.
    PEOPLE EVERYWHERE really need to wake up- Human Trafficking has fast become a WORLD WIDE epidemic!
    Fact- Last year, in an Obama interview, Human Trafficking was 3rd in the line up of top crimes, now it's 2nd!!! That is crazy outrageous!!
    Do these people who deny these facts not know how to do math or even comprehend the words in the facts?? I just cannot understand either how someone/anyone, in a State or City or County Official or governement positions of ANY sort whether it be mayor, sheriffs, judges, prosecuters whatever whatever, would OPPOSE passing tougher legislature on these crimes?? Their excuse is that they did not understand the REASONS or the FACTS behind why we are pushing for it?? Read the damn petitions/ proposd reaolutions when they come across your desk, Google it on the internet, come on!! How the hell did these people get those jobs anyhow...oh ya I forget it IS all about who you know and who will keep dirty secrets quiet out here- right?

    People need to quit worrying about obtaining useless- needless little B.S things in life that REALLY aren't gonna matter when they get trafficked- then it is your LIFE your FREEDOM your SOUL that will become the "NEW WANT"... I would hope that those same people would fight for their lives the same as they would scratch and claw fight for that last 'Tickle me Elmo' at After Thanksgiving Day sales- pitiful!

    For those who think that 'slavery' is just something of the past and that it only pertains to the African/Chinese slaves brought here to our Americas...well 1st off those people need to go back and study their history books or better yet use the internet for RESOURCFUL things like educating themselves and take a GOOD LONG look at ALL forms of slavery through evolution of human is a little like how it is today...only 27 million times worse and growing AND unfortunately it is not of the past but IT IS of our DARK GRIM future if some of us do not step up to the plate and say," We are done with this- NOW!!! We are taking a firm STAND AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING!!"

    I mean, this IS our future, our children's futures, our friends', our neighbors', our aunties' and tutus' etc ecT eCT ECT.
    We all need to stand together to fight off this "New Human Disease" of scary sorts. This disease WILL take lives, no matter what age, what race, what sex, what staus NO ONE IS EXEMPT that is why we need to end modern day slavery- I know I am going do whatever I can til my last breath to help END HUMAN TRAFFICKING NOW!!

  3. Please don't censor my comment, because I am trying to understand your stance and create a dialogue to gain comprehension for myself and questioning others.

    My concern centers around consent:

    If a lonely person seeks human interaction and is willing to pay for it, and someone is willing to offer that service for a price, why should consenting adults be punished?

  4. To Anonymous, posted 12/28/09

    What you are referring to is "prostitution" and not human trafficking. Human Trafficking refers to anyone coerced, enticed, forced, or manipulated in anyway into sexual exploitation.

    There are already laws in exsistence for "prostitution" between consenting adults. Our goal is to target Human Traffickers and patrons of Human Trafficking victims.
